Hi guys,

So far, there are five books in the series, each of which you should be able to find at any good book store. However, I would recommend that you buy the online versions—the eBooks.



That’s because they all come with a heap of free bonuses such as pdf guides, audio files, and video files, adding value to each purchase and providing you with loads more useful and practical supply-chain management guidance.


A Brief Summary of the Series So Far



Of course, before you get too excited and rush off to buy these essential, practical guides to supply chain and logistics management, you’d probably like to know at least a little about them, so just to whet your appetite a little more, here’s a brief description of the five titles making up the series so far:


What is Supply Chain Management?



If you are new to the supply chain world, this book is for you, although many an experienced logistics professionals have admitted to discovering new insights within the text.


Supply Chain Secrets



This is the flagship book in our series. It contains practical tips and insights that you can act upon to save millions on your supply chain costs, and is valuable for seasoned pros and supply chain students alike.


The 7 Supply Chain Keys



Ideal for more advanced practitioners, but easy to read and understand even if you are new to supply chain operations, this book covers seven fundamental principles that you can apply to improve your supply chain and make your business more profitable.


Logistics Outsourcing Secrets



The first of the two specialized titles in the series, Logistics Outsourcing Secrets is a novel, offering an enjoyable storyline that reveals all the insights you need to enjoy success with outsourced logistics services.


China Sourcing



This title will help you and your company to navigate the sometimes-perplexing landscape encountered when outsourcing production to manufacturers in China. This book is written in the form of a novel, so you won’t find yourself wading through pages of dry content—but you will learn a lot about outsourcing to China.


Are You Ready to Take a Closer Look?



If the above summaries have piqued your interest in these unique and insightful guides, you can see the full series on our main product page and then click on the links to get a detailed breakdown of each book in the Supply Chain Secrets series.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in October 2012. It has now been revamped and expanded to make the content more comprehensive and informative.


Contact Rob O'Byrne
Best Regards,
Rob O’Byrne
Email: robyrne@logisticsbureau.com
Phone: +61 417 417 307