Supply Chain Secrets Blog
Logistics and Supply Chain news, articles, tips and insights

Why the Procurement Team Should Understand Inbound Freight Costs
If you work in a procurement or purchasing role, you’re probably involved in purchasing inbound materials. These might be raw materials for a manufacturing facility or perhaps finished goods (if you work for a retail organisation). In any event, you and your team can...

6 Steps Your IT Department Can Take Towards RFID Readiness
Are you an IT guy or girl in a logistics or supply chain organisation? If so, radio frequency identification (RFID) might become a feature of your project activity in the future—that is if your company hasn’t already implemented RFID. The adoption of...

4 Most Important Questions to Ask When Selecting a Freight Forwarder
If your supply chain company is just branching into the business of importing goods, perhaps because of a decision to outsource manufacturing overseas, you might not be used to dealing with a freight forwarder. To help you in selecting a freight forwarder for the...

Lift Truck Maintenance Tips That Matter
In many supply chain organisations, the warehouse workhorse, otherwise known as the lift truck, doesn’t receive the maintenance attention that it deserves. While many logistics companies wouldn’t dream of letting goods-vehicle maintenance schedules slip,...

Some Intelligent Questions to Include in a Logistics Outsourcing RFP
A few blog posts ago, I mentioned that I would follow up my post on “What’s in a Logistics Outsourcing RFP/RFT” with some information about other sections you might wish to add to an RFP which were not listed in that particular post. The one section which stands out...

Top 3 Reasons for Organisational Change Resistance
When you need to implement or change your company’s supply chain strategy, you’ll be lucky not to encounter at least one or two obstacles along the way. One obstacle in particular though, despite its certainty, seems to catch out leaders in supply chain (and other...

Who Should Care About Financial Risks in Your Supply Chain?
Running a supply chain or even running part of one, is a risky business today and there are two main reasons why that’s so. Firstly, the strategic partnerships often brokered to take advantage of raw material access and low-cost labor, distribute modern supply chains...

Is The Cloud on Your Supply Chain IT Shopping List?
It’s that time of year again when supply chain leaders start to think about business technology and which new trends they should incorporate into supply chain IT strategy. If you’re in an IT management role, this probably means you’ll soon be called upon to put sourcing and implementation plans in place. But what technology advances do you expect your business colleagues to set their sights on for 2016?

Why You Can’t Divorce Manufacturing from the Supply Chain
If you’re new to supply chain, it can be difficult to understand where it begins and where it ends, especially when people start talking about manufacturing and production. Is manufacturing part of the supply chain or not? Manufacturing from the Supply Chain...

How to Increase Profit and Reduce Cost of Goods Sold
As a brand owner, it stands to reason that maximising profits depends a great deal upon how inexpensively your company can produce its products. At the same time though, reducing your cost of goods sold is an exercise that requires some care, lest you sacrifice...