Feb 1, 2016 | Books and Guides
If your supply chain company is just branching into the business of importing goods, perhaps because of a decision to outsource manufacturing overseas, you might not be used to dealing with a freight forwarder. To help you in selecting a freight forwarder for the...
Nov 26, 2015 | Books and Guides
A few blog posts ago, I mentioned that I would follow up my post on “What’s in a Logistics Outsourcing RFP/RFT” with some information about other sections you might wish to add to an RFP which were not listed in that particular post. The one section which stands out...
Oct 29, 2015 | Books and Guides, Feature
When you need to implement or change your company’s supply chain strategy, you’ll be lucky not to encounter at least one or two obstacles along the way. One obstacle in particular though, despite its certainty, seems to catch out leaders in supply chain (and other...