Aug 4, 2017 | Education, Feature
As the founder of Supply Chain Secrets, a supply chain elearning program that’s been established for some years now, I’ve been watching the phenomenal development of online vocational education with great interest. Did you know for example, that an...
Jul 26, 2017 | Education, Feature
As you might imagine of someone who runs companies in supply chain education and supply chain consulting, I come into contact with a lot of supply chain professionals. One thing that used to surprise me is how many of these professionals—most of whom received a...
May 16, 2017 | Education, Feature
Are you responsible for the provision of training in your supply chain or logistics organisation? If so, and yours is like many companies, packaged logistics training from education providers may well be your preferred option, rather than developing...
Mar 17, 2017 | Education, Feature
When you hear quotes like “Companies don’t compete. Supply chains compete” made by some of the world’s foremost corporate executives, you know for sure that the value of supply chain training and education is greater than it has ever...