
What’s In A Logistics Outsourcing RFP/RFT?

What’s In A Logistics Outsourcing RFP/RFT?

With logistics outsourcing playing such an important part in today’s supply chain management strategies, it’s very possible that you will be involved in an outsourcing project during your career, either on behalf of a client or a supplier. If so, it will help to be...

What is a Supply Chain? The Answer in a Nutshell

What is a Supply Chain? The Answer in a Nutshell

When you decide to set out on a supply chain career, it may not be because you’ve studied the topic thoroughly and understand the complexities or even the basics of supply chain management. For example, maybe you are interested in goods transportation and want to work...

Supply Chain Education Tools

Supply Chain Education Tools

Lots of people who have bought some of our books are also asking what other Supply Chain education tools we have available. Probably the most popular is our Supply Chain School.  That is based in Sydney Australia.  You can read more about that here:  Supply Chain...

5 Supply Chain Events in 5 Cities in 5 Days

5 Supply Chain Events in 5 Cities in 5 Days

Well, our free Supply Chain seminar series last week was awesome.  Great fun.   And meeting so many new people is always fantastic.  So thank you to all those who came along and for the great feedback during and after the events. Whilst doing 5 events in 5 cities in 5...